The most essential part of "finishing" your Woodworking Project is sealing and protecting your hard work with a quality TopCoat. We have 4 available right now: Super Premium All-Purpose, Extreme Protection Polyurethane, Brite Tone and CrabCoat Exterior Marine finish. Though each is a bit different, you will be impressed that the quality of each surpasses anything in your local box store.
All of them are Non-Yellowing, Non-Toxic, Food-Grade safe, Eco-Friendly and scratch resistant. To find out which one you need check out our Blog post and video: "What are the differences between CrystaLac topcoats?" The application for these products are all essentially the same. You want to stick to the 5 CrystaLac Basics : Proper Prep, Correct Temperature range, Correct Humidity range, Application technique/proper thickness of coats, and Dry time/ Cure time There is a quick video going over these in more detail here > For more specific and detailed product application information such as spraying specs etc. you can view the Technical Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheets available in the top menu. Basic Guidelines: Prep: Properly clean and sand your piece Temperaure: Apply product between 68-75 degrees F. Make sure product itself is also at this temperature if you are storing it in a cooler area such as your shop or basement, Humidity: Over 50% with 70% humidity being perfect Application: You can brush, spray or wipe the product on straight from the container. We do NOT recommend rollers as this can cause excess bubbles. Apply the thickness of 2 sheets of paper and give 2-4 hours between coats. Keep in mind in cooler weather to give additional dry time. No sanding is needed between coats. Dry Time/ Cure Time: 2 hours minimum between coats and 4 for Brite Tone as it has higher solids. It should be dry to the touch quickly and your project can be lightly used within a week. The FULL CURE time is 30 days. Click here for more info on Dry time vs,Cure time. |
Guide 1 PrepLearn how to clean, sand, and prepare your wood finishing piece
Guide 2: SealerLearn all about Sanding Sealer use and application
Next guide: StainsComing soon! In the meantime look under the product page and visit our youtube channel "Wood Finishing with CrystaLac" for tutorials